
Hillel’s 90th Anniversary Gala Video

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Played to a crowd of close to 700 guests, the story is told in an engaging and enlightening manner. TeleTime was also charged to share Hillel's impact on its constituents and to honor 4 people in this program. The evening turned out to be a record breaking revenue generator.

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The Inc. Gala Presentation

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TeleTime was charged to share Inc. Magazine's personality and to introduce the President to a large crowd of business owners.

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SBA’s Entrepreneur Conference

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We created a multitude of programming from the SBA National Conference. This piece was actually shot and edited during the event and played at the final gathering of attendees. It is something we have done often, and it always brings down the house!

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NACCE’s Annual Conference

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A short and exciting look into NACCE's annual gathering. The video features the event's content, community response and the appeal of the venue.

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