
A Young Entrepreneur’s Video Guide To Starting and Growing a Business

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A 3-minute preview of our educational series designed to educate aspiring students and young entrepreneurs on what it takes to start and grow a business. Fact is, all prospective and existing business owners can benefit from this program. Watch the Marketing chapter here.

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American Legion: The Veteran’s Guide to Starting and Growing a Business

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The American Legion teamed with a major Human Capital Management organization for this much needed series to help budding Veteran entrepreneurs. We feature successful veteran entrepreneurs from all over the country that are building great businesses and creating jobs! There are 3.7 million vet owned businesses in the U.S. and growing, so this is a great "doing well by doing good" initiative.

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The Marketing Chapter from “A Young Entrepreneur’s Video Guide”

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A preview of the marketing chapter from our highly successful Young Entrepreneur's video series. The series aims to educate aspiring students and young entrepreneurs on what it takes to start and grow a business.

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USPS: Direct Mail Training Sample

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After years of producing an array of programs for the USPS, we created a video series from our library of content to educate their customers on the various ways direct mail is used.

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Inc. & Microsoft: Creating A Culture

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The Inc./Microsoft series of videos consisted of 36 online modules relating best practices on running a business featuring some of America's leading entrepreneurs. Notice how this module engages with entertaining and useful business education and bridges into a convincing product introduction.

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SBA & AT&T: Take Your Business Global

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A major undertaking in development and delivery. We researched the small business community and government agencies to put together a comprehensive video guide that provides the viewer with the guidance, resources and inspiration to "Go Global" with their business offerings.

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Variable Data Printing

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The introduction from one of our two programs created for the USPS that highlights experiences of marketing executives on a powerful form of direct marketing.

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Salon Success: The Video Series for Business Education & Strategies

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A preview from our "How To" business building series that was designed and marketed to the salon industry by us. View more at Experience Salon Success.

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